OmniWeb Help

OmniWeb Help : Reference : OmniWeb Preferences : HTML Source View

HTML Source View

These preferences allow to you configure may aspects of Source Editing windows as well as specifying information about your local web server to make editing local files with OmniWeb easier.

Source View Preferences
The HTML Source Editor tab of the Source View Preferences.

Font: Choose the typeface and size for source view text

Reformat when source view is opened: When checked, the HTML source will be indented as appropriate when it first appears. You can also do this at any time using the Reformat button on the Source View's toolbar.

Indent: Enter an amount of indentation to use for reformatting.

Continuously colorize HTML tags: When checked, HTML tags and other text elements will be colorized by type automatically. If this box is unchecked, you can still colorize HTML source manually by clicking the Colorize button on the Source View toolbar (you may need to add the button to the toolbar first).

Flag missing end tags as an error: Many HTML expressions require matching beginning and end tags (such as <HEAD></HEAD>). When this box is checked, start tags that don't have an end tag will be shown as "mismatched".

Mismatched tags: When colorizing the source, OmniWeb will automatically notice any end tags that don't have a start tag (like a </B> without a <B> before it) and other mismatches. Here you can choose whether such tags are displayed underlined or or with a colored background (and you can choose what highlight color to use).

Unrecognized tags: When colorizing the source, OmniWeb will automatically notice HTML tags that it doesn't recognize (either because it doesn't support them, or because they're invalid HTML tags). Here you can choose whether such tags are displayed underlined or or with a colored background (and you can choose what highlight color to use).

On the right-hand side of the panel, you can pick the colors OmniWeb uses for colorizing HTML elements and text in the source view:

Background: The background color of the window.
Normal text: Text that doesn't have a special meaning in HTML.
Preformatted text: Text surrounded in <PRE></PRE> tags
Entities: HTML representations of special characters, like &uuml; for ü.
Comments: Text surrounded in <!-- --> tags
HTML tags: Anything OmniWeb recognizes as an HTML tag; in general, text surrounded in angle brackets.
HTML tag attribute names: The NAME= in <A NAME="foo">.
HTML tag attribute values: The "foo" in <A NAME="foo">.

Source View Preferences
The Local HTTP Server tab of the Source View Preferences.

The settings under this tab allow OmniWeb to recognize when the web page you're viewing is also accessible on your desktop. This can make editing of your own web pages (for example, if you're using Mac OS X's Personal Web Sharing) easier.

Local HTTP server address: This is the URL for the server you have desktop access to. If you're using Web Sharing, the full host name for your computer (or http://localhost/) can go here.

Server's document folder: This is the folder where web pages on your server come from. For Mac OS X Web Sharing, it's /Library/WebServer/Documents/.

Index file name: When a URL ends in a directory name (with a "/" character) OmniWeb will use the filename enetered here as the 'index' (default) page.

User folder name: Individual users on a system can have their own web folders (by default it's the Sites folder in your Home folder). When accessing a URL on your local server that contains a user name segment such as "~username" OmniWeb will use the subfolder of the user's home folder that's entered here.

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